Always remember to check out for those extra coupons you need!
You are now ready to begin to figure out where to shop. I strongly recommend for the beginner. You can get a 4 week trial offer for $1. After those 4 weeks it is $10 for your first store and $5 for each store after that. This will gain you access to all the stores that are on their lists in your region. Here in Lex., KY that included Krogers, Meijers, CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens. At the end of your trial period (choose before the trial period is up) you can pick and choose the stores you want access to.
What this site does is compiles all the sales for those stores for the week. They will take the Kroger sale prices and compare them with their database and list all prices. Prices that are at the lowest that they have been for 12 weeks are indicated with blue and if an item is FREE it will be green. They also match up the coupons that have been released over the last 12 weeks that match with those sales. This makes things so much easier for you especially if your a beginner! A lot less work that's for sure! The list comes out anywhere between Mon. night or Tues. morning by 8a.m.
There are several other sites out there that have lists such as (which is free and a great site) however I have found that when I began all this GG was the easiest for me. It's very organized.
Occasionally you will have coupons that they don't have or vice versa. This happens to me when I have used the coupon at one store then another store on the list hits a rock bottom. The individual lists don't compare to each other. That's your job. Also when I get coupons directly from the manufacturer these aren't published so there is no way of them knowing this. There for I do tend to check everything on the list "just in case".
Scunci by Conair Gift Set – Only $4.73!
16 hours ago