Please remember that this Sunday (this coming Easter Sunday) there will be NO coupon inserts. This is pretty exciting for me though because I've been on a mission this week to try to get coupons under control!
Thanks to Mercedes over at Common Sense with Money for listing the coupons preview! Go here and you can see a full listing. I don't purchase the Lexington Herald Leader because time and again they have come up short with their coupons. I have access to the Louisville Courier Journal and love that one. Some examples of the coupons that will be offered 4/19/09 are:
Energizer batteries or flashlight $1 (5/24/09)
Huggies Pull Ups jumbo pack $2 (6/13/09)
Huggies Pull Ups jumbo pack $3 (5/16/09)
Huggies Diapers $1.50 (5/16/09)
Huggies Overnites Diapers $2 (5/16/09)
Johnson’s Baby Care wash or lotion $2 (7/20/09)
Ortega .75/2 (7/31/09)
Ortega $5 Mail in Rebate (7/31/09)
Yoplait Go-Gurt, Fizzix, Kids Cup, Kids Yogurt Drink, Yoplait TrixMultipack .35 (6/13/09)
Scunci by Conair Gift Set – Only $4.73!
16 hours ago